5 Rules for the Social network smart
One of the defining phenomena of the present times reshaping the world as we know it, is the worldwide accessibility to the internet. The lovechild of the World Wide Web is social media, which comes in many forms, including blogs, forums, business networks, photo-sharing platforms, social gaming, microblogs, chat apps, and last but not least social networks. The power of social networking is such that, the number of worldwide users is expected to reach some 2.95 billion by 2020, around a third of Earth’s entire population.
This astronomical increase is no doubt due to the tremendous benefits derived from it. Social network enables us to connect with people, share photos, tell jokes, post thoughts, check up on friends and lots more, including business.
While a social network may have many advantages and benefits, however, there can also be dangers. Hence the need to be social network smart by following these 5 rules:
Rule 1: DONT POST ANYTHING YOU WONT WANT TO SEE ON THE TV OR IN THE NEWSPAPER. In other words, do not post anything you wont want the public to see. This may include your personal phone number, where you live or wnere you go to school.
Rule 2: NEVER TELL PEOPLE WHEN YOU'RE NOT AT HOME OR WHEN YOU'RE GOING ON VACATION. In other words, never share your plans or movement on social media. It may seem harmless but thats the kind of information thieves can use to break into your house. It can also be used to steal your identity or even arranged your kidnap so be smart.
Rule 3: THINK SERIOUSLY ABOUT YOUR REPUTATION BEFORE POSTING PHOTOS OR COMMENTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Before posting anything ask yourself: Is this how i want people to view me, not just now but in the future? For instance, your social media postings may stand in your way to getting a dream job.
Rule 4: THINK ABOUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE. Some people feel goid about having hundreds of friends on social media, even thousands. That may seem cool. But the problem is accepting people you dont know as friends can be dangerous. It can make you vulnerable to predators who may pretend to be your friend just to take advantage of you. Besides, when you accept friends on social media, you are also accepting their friends and their friends friends. So you will be connected with many more people you dont know and you may even see posts on your page that may polute your mind. Therefore, be selective when it comes to accepting online friends. The safest friends online are the ones you know offline.
Rule 5: THINK ABOUT THE AMOUNT OF TIME YOU SPEND ON SOCIAL MEDIA. There is more to life than just chatting and posting. So dont allow socia media to destroy your communications skills or healthy conversations with people you can see.
This astronomical increase is no doubt due to the tremendous benefits derived from it. Social network enables us to connect with people, share photos, tell jokes, post thoughts, check up on friends and lots more, including business.
While a social network may have many advantages and benefits, however, there can also be dangers. Hence the need to be social network smart by following these 5 rules:
Rule 1: DONT POST ANYTHING YOU WONT WANT TO SEE ON THE TV OR IN THE NEWSPAPER. In other words, do not post anything you wont want the public to see. This may include your personal phone number, where you live or wnere you go to school.
Rule 2: NEVER TELL PEOPLE WHEN YOU'RE NOT AT HOME OR WHEN YOU'RE GOING ON VACATION. In other words, never share your plans or movement on social media. It may seem harmless but thats the kind of information thieves can use to break into your house. It can also be used to steal your identity or even arranged your kidnap so be smart.
Rule 3: THINK SERIOUSLY ABOUT YOUR REPUTATION BEFORE POSTING PHOTOS OR COMMENTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Before posting anything ask yourself: Is this how i want people to view me, not just now but in the future? For instance, your social media postings may stand in your way to getting a dream job.
Rule 4: THINK ABOUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE. Some people feel goid about having hundreds of friends on social media, even thousands. That may seem cool. But the problem is accepting people you dont know as friends can be dangerous. It can make you vulnerable to predators who may pretend to be your friend just to take advantage of you. Besides, when you accept friends on social media, you are also accepting their friends and their friends friends. So you will be connected with many more people you dont know and you may even see posts on your page that may polute your mind. Therefore, be selective when it comes to accepting online friends. The safest friends online are the ones you know offline.
Rule 5: THINK ABOUT THE AMOUNT OF TIME YOU SPEND ON SOCIAL MEDIA. There is more to life than just chatting and posting. So dont allow socia media to destroy your communications skills or healthy conversations with people you can see.

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