Back to School Tips for a Successful Academic Year

The long holidays are over and students are getting ready to begin a new school. That is the 2017/2018 academic year. In other to achieve success, the following tips have been prepared for parents and teachers.

Tips for Parents
1. Make out time: Attend the school's open day or orientation to learn expectations and meet the teachers and staff.
2. Communicate: Read and respond to communication from your child's teacher.
3. Inform: Let your child's teacher know of things going on at home that could distract your child.
4. Set: Work with your child to create goals for the year and commend them when they accomplish the goals.
5. Do your part: Contribute to classroom supplies such as tissues, towels, pencils etc.
6. Say thank you: Send a note to your child's teacher and let him/ her know  he/she is appreciated.
7. Gather feedback:  Ask your child how things are going regularly to keep up with what is happening.
8. Rest: Ensure your child is getting enough sleep each night.
9. Provide healthy meals: Start each day with a protein rich, well balanced breakfast.
10. Seek to resolve issues: When there are issues involving your child, give it adequate attention and resolve it.

Tips for Teachers
1. Take time to get to know one another: Include activities that w.ill help the students know one another.
2. Establish good communicate: Communicate with parents regularly.
3. Set clear parameters: Be clear and consistent with rules and consequences for not following them. With younger child, creating a reward system for good behavior can be of help.
4. Communicate Promptly: If you are having a difficulty with a student, let the parents know and ask them to partner with you.
5. Set class goals: Make a list of what you want to accomplish with your class.


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